Termékek csomagküldési szolgáltatás (13)

Csomagolás tervezés nagykereskedelmi forgalomhoz

Csomagolás tervezés nagykereskedelmi forgalomhoz

Mielizia is the historic brand of the beekeepers of CONAPI, the National Beekeepers Consortium, the large cooperative enterprise of Italian honey producers that holds the title of the largest producer of organic honey in Europe. The goal of Mielizia is to protect the well-being of bees and to enhance the products of beekeepers, their productions, and the entire Italian supply chain. Mielizia has contacted HENRY & CO. for the redesign of the packaging for the lines of dietary supplements intended for organized large-scale distribution (GDO).
Könnyű és újrahasznosítható csomagolás tervezés

Könnyű és újrahasznosítható csomagolás tervezés

Mielizia is the historic brand of the beekeepers of CONAPI, the National Beekeepers Consortium, the large cooperative enterprise of Italian honey producers that holds the title of the largest producer of organic honey in Europe. The goal of Mielizia is to protect the well-being of bees and to enhance the products of beekeepers, their productions, and the entire Italian supply chain. Mielizia has contacted HENRY & CO. for the redesign of the doypacks for the Sport Pocket line aimed at athletes.
Éljen a kartondoboz csomagolás a Mielizia számára

Éljen a kartondoboz csomagolás a Mielizia számára

Mielizia is the historic brand of beekeepers from CONAPI, the National Beekeepers Consortium, a large cooperative enterprise of Italian honey producers that holds the title of the largest producer of organic honey in Europe. The goal of Mielizia is to protect the well-being of bees and to enhance the products of beekeepers, their productions, and the entire Italian supply chain. Mielizia contacted HENRY & CO. for the creation of a special project for reusing gift boxes, through a custom-designed cardboard packaging, and a social video campaign for their launch. The packaging represents the first interaction with the product, the first message that every company sends to its audience. For this reason, Mielizia challenged HENRY & CO. to find new uses for its shipping box. By studying the possible combinations between internal dividers and walls, HENRY & CO.
Márkaidentitás és csomagolás a YouSea számára: fenntartható takarítás

Márkaidentitás és csomagolás a YouSea számára: fenntartható takarítás

The problem of plastic in the oceans is a highly discussed topic today. Single-use items have changed our lives, placing us in a comfort zone that has not taken into account the consequences. Designed to be a long-lasting material, it does not dissolve in water; instead, it breaks down into smaller pieces, contributing to the generation of microplastics that are impossible to recover. Every year, 369 million tons of plastic are produced, which amounts to 53 kg for every inhabitant of the planet. Of the total amount of plastic produced, only just over 20% is recycled or incinerated, while most ends up in the sea. Today, there are over 150 million tons of plastic in the oceans, causing one and a half million casualties in the animal world, including fish, birds, whales, and turtles. The advancement of this system will lead to having more plastics than fish in our oceans by 2050. This plastic also reaches us, as on average.
Márkaidentitás az Inkluzív Bőrápoló Induló Vállalkozás számára

Márkaidentitás az Inkluzív Bőrápoló Induló Vállalkozás számára

Loved by Skin is an American startup focused on inclusive skincare products. The main goal of the design was to convey the concept of love and acceptance for every individual's skin, while also promoting self-determination and body positivity. The final result is a logo, a tagline, and a color combination that perfectly capture the essence and values of Loved by Skin. The design of the logo was central to building the Brand Identity of Loved by Skin. The logo features the words "Loved by Skin" rendered in a thin, elegant sans serif font. This typographic choice communicates a sense of refinement and modernity, highlighting attention to detail and a commitment to elegance in the skincare industry. Above the text, at the center of attention, we find the brand's distinctive symbol: a circle within which is...
Neavita és Mielizia együtt a Bee Vita projekthez

Neavita és Mielizia együtt a Bee Vita projekthez

For years, the scientific community has focused on the delicate issue of bees. These small insects are indeed in serious danger. In recent years, an average of 20% of bees has disappeared in Europe alone, with peaks of 50% in some areas. The multiple causes stem from intensive agriculture and the massive use of agrochemicals, the intentional and unintentional introduction of invasive exotic species, and finally, global climate change. The threat facing bees concerns all of us, as more than 80% of global food production, including fruits and vegetables, which are the basic ingredients of herbal teas, depends on them. For this reason, the values of Neavita, a producer of herbal teas, infusions, and teas for over 30 years, could only align and complement those of Mielizia, the historic brand of CONAPI, the National Consortium of Beekeepers, the leading producer of organic honey in Europe.
Perle Di Soia – Márkazonosító

Perle Di Soia – Márkazonosító

San Martino Srl entrusts Henry&co with the artistic direction for the creation of the first Italian brand dedicated to organic soy-based snacks. For Perle di Soia, the entire coordinated image was developed, including the design and production of packaging, product and lifestyle photography, the e-commerce website, and sales support communication (brochures, business cards, trade show pop-ups, displays).
webdesign a B2B csomagolási vezető számára

webdesign a B2B csomagolási vezető számára

Imballi s.p.a. is one of the largest and most well-known Italian manufacturers of packaging, displays, and other cardboard systems. The company has decided to revamp its website with the aim of enhancing its online presence and attracting the attention of new potential customers, while also updating the visual design to align with the newly redesigned company logo.


Se stai cercando un’azienda specializzata in ingegneria logistica, o un professionista che possa aiutarti nell’individuazione delle attività organizzative, gestionali e strategiche dei flussi di magazzino e della pianificazione, la nostra realtà si occupa di outsourcing del personale per questi reparti produttivi. Possiamo eseguire studi, analisi, verifiche, controlli incrociati, monitoraggi costanti allo scopo di governare la circolazione di materiali, di prodotti e di informazioni che ti garantiscono un elevato livello di efficienza e competitività.
Marketplace - Amazon az online értékesítések keresőmotorja. Szeretné elérni ezt is?

Marketplace - Amazon az online értékesítések keresőmotorja. Szeretné elérni ezt is?

Gestiamo in modo professionale la tua presenza su Amazon e su piattaforme di vendita specializzate, facendo così aumentare le tue vendite online. L’ acquisto online è preceduto da una ricerca che nel 77% dei casi avviene su Amazon. Gli utenti consultano la piattaforma prima di decidere se procedere all’acquisto o meno. La presenza sui marketplace è molto importante, diventa fondamentale se si parla di Amazon.
Fenntartható Terméktervezési Szolgáltatások

Fenntartható Terméktervezési Szolgáltatások

Our sustainable product design services provide innovative solutions to develop eco-friendly, functional, and market-driven products. We combine ecodesign approaches, LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) analysis, and the use of low-impact materials to create environmentally friendly products without compromising on quality. From the initial concept to detailed design, we work to enhance sustainability, reduce waste, and optimize user experience. Key benefits: Reduction of environmental impacts through innovative materials. Increased competitiveness with modern, sustainable design. Tailored solutions for industries like electronics, packaging, furniture, and consumer goods.
E-Commerce - Gondolkodik azon, hogy egy online bolt létrehozása a helyes választás-e?

E-Commerce - Gondolkodik azon, hogy egy online bolt létrehozása a helyes választás-e?

Le vendite online sono in costante crescita, avere un negozio fisico non basta più. Costruiamo il tuo e-commerce per portare i tuoi prodotti sul web, avere un business remunerativo, un negozio aperto in tutto il mondo, tutto il giorno, tutti i giorni. Confezioniamo per te e-commerce di successo, che ti permettano di guadagnare, e lo facciamo grazie a una user experience perfetta, contenuti chiari e semplici, struttura ottimizzata.
360° branding a taste nomads indulásához

360° branding a taste nomads indulásához

The development of the new brand identity first saw HENRY & CO. sit down with Nomadic Roots Nutrition to better understand, through Circular Design Thinking sessions, the values and ambitions of the startup. Based on what was expressed, HENRY & CO.'s work shifted to identifying the target audience, constructing Personas capable of archetyping the target audience, and studying competitors. Only after identifying this fundamental information did HENRY & CO. begin to explore sensations, imagery, and graphic elements that could resonate with the target. Simplicity, genuineness, naturalness, journey, research, and discovery are the concepts that guided the design of the new identity. The result is an organic blend of vector and freehand: small illustrated elements describe and enrich the graphic content, mostly composed of roots that grow, connect, and surround the logotype.